
any anything anyone

Weak Form – Quantity

In English, we use any to describe a zero amount. We can see that ‘any’ in the sentences below describe zero or none.
I didn’t eat anything = I did not eat one thing / I ate nothing

In negative sentences, we use it to emphasise (強調) nothing.

I didn’t eat lunch = The situation is finished and it is not a big problem
I didn’t eat anything for lunch = It is seen as a bigger problem


The 2 sentences mean the same thing but notice how nothing is used in positive sentences.

I didn’t eat anything today
I ate nothing today

I haven’t been anywhere
I have been nowhere

I won’t meet anyone this weekend
I will meet no one this weekend

I can’t believe anybody likes this film
I can believe nobody likes this film

What do all these sentences have in common? They all are negative sentences

Did you eat anything today?

Have you been anywhere this Summer?

Will you meet anyone this weekend?

Can you believe anyone likes this film?

What do all these sentences have in common? They all are questions

‘Any’ here is used to describe a non-specific place, person, or thing.

Have you seen that new film? (specific)
Have you seen any new films? (non-specific)
Did you meet her last night? (specific)
Did you meet anyone last night? (non-specific)

We use ‘any’ in questions and negative sentences to talk about quantities.
For positive sentences, you can use ‘some’

I ate something today (non-specific)
I ate a sandwich for lunch (specific)
I will meet someone this weekend (not-specific)

Remember these are ‘indefinite pronouns’. You are not being specific about who, what, or where.

Strong Form – All / Every is OK

Anyone can apply for this job

I am happy eating anything for dinner

He gets on with anybody

You can ask me anything

Remember – This meaning is not about quantity, it is about saying each one is acceptable or ‘no matter which’.


I had the worst day ever yesterday! First of all, I didn’t have any breakfast (quantity) because I woke up late. I rushed out the door and went to the train station to get the train to work. The worker at the station told me that there weren’t any trains (quantity) today because of bad weather, but I couldn’t see any clouds (quantity) in the sky! I needed to get to work using any way possible (every way is ok) so I ended up getting a taxi. It cost me 30 pounds but at least my boss didn’t say anything (quantity)!


  • For the weak form use plural or countable nouns
    • I didn’t see any films yesterday (countable)
    • I didn’t eat any food yesterday (uncountable)
  • Although they have the same meaning, anybody is a little less formal than anyone




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